The New Zealand job market

Just because you are offshore, or even onshore on a visitor visa, doesn't mean you cannot apply for jobs...

How to find New Zealand jobs for overseas applicants?

That's the thing: jobs advertised in New Zealand are not necessarily targeted at overseas applicants. But there are skills shortages in many industries, which will give you the leading edge when applying.

What are the best ways to look for work?

Respond to ads posted on job portals

Your personal consultant at New Zealand Shores will put you on the right track, ie which websites are widely used to post jobs in your particular industry.

New Zealand recruiters

Recruiters have their place, and in many cases can prove very useful. As a best case scenario, you get a successful placement, but in any case you will no doubt obtain valuable insights into the job market for your particular industry.

Make direct applications

New Zealand employers welcome direct applications from skilled workers. Search engines and online directories will give you the contact details of such companies. You need to thoroughly research your prospective employers, and you must be prepared to being challenged on what you can bring as a person and as a skillset. Know what you are expecting from this targeted approach. Even if there are no vacancies at the time you apply, you may still be paving the way to a future offer, by reaching out to the right people at the right time.

Networking is key

Widen your network through people you already know

In the digital age, networking no longer means physical mixing and mingling. Networking is about using your friends and relatives as personal references and to reach out to a wider network of potential employers. It is not about asking for opportunities quite yet, though it is ultimately the goal. Get yourself known, get to know the businesses that may potentially need your skills. Similar to direct applications, you may also be presented with an opportunity before it gets more widely advertised.

Social networks

Social media like Facebook, or more professional networks like LinkedIn, may also advertise for roles, or be a great source of valuable insights into a particular industry, branch, or group. Be mindful of your own image on social media ; it's always a good idea to tidy up your profiles. Almost every employer will do a background check before hiring, so search for yourself and find out if your profile or photos pop up in unlikely places. Also be mindful of what you post, and consider whether you want your current employer to know that you are looking for work. If you wish to use social networks to your benefit for job search, industry networks may come across as more professional than more generic ones.

More on Linkedin

Industry representation

Joining a New Zealand professional organisation is a great way to gain valuable, up-to-date, and reliable information in a  particular industry. Look up trends, attend online webinars, get insights into the latest updates in technology or  methodology that are relevant to your skillset, and connect with your future peers. Discussion forums are usually moderated, hence probably a better source of information than the more open social networks. Some industry groups may also post career opportunities that may not otherwise become accessible to you via other means.

Local knowledge is paramount, so reaching out to recruiters or peers from your particular industry is likely to bring valuable tips that will reward your endeavours to secure the right role in New Zealand.

Diversify your approach and be 'doc-ready'

Your adviser at New Zealand Shores can be your local advocate

Looking for work is not about choosing one approach over another. It is about diversifying your strategy and multiplying your chances. But there is little point spending time and energy in active job-search, if you are not 'document-ready'. At New Zealand Shores, your personal consultant will assist you in gathering all the mandatory documentation, in anticipation for a visa application. They will also act as your local agent and advocate: as they have checked your credentials, they can confidently tell prospective employers that you are eligible for a visa, and can submit an application quickly, upon securing a role.