Accredited Employer Work visas now valid for up to 5 years

Maximum continuous stay period extended

From November 2023, migrants seeking an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) on the basis of a permanent role, may be granted a visa valid for up to 5 years.

After 5 years on an AEWV, they will need to leave New Zealand for at least 12 months, unless they are on a pathway to residence or have a residence application pending.

This decision arises from the release of the new settings under the Skilled Migrant Category Resident visa, which will require many migrants to gain work experience in New Zealand, before they can apply for residence.

Changes to the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

What about existing AEWV holders?

Existing AEWV holders with a 3-year visa will be able to apply for another AEWV that will allow you to stay in New Zealand for up to 5 years (in total). Employers will not need a job check for this if the workers' visa conditions remain identical. There will be more details released later this year.